Kiosk Magazine
The University of Kansas

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Kiosk 61

Kiosk 61 Paradise Lost, we wanted to sharpen our focus. We recognized within the student body a certain anxiety, an uncertainty fueled not only the tumultuous life of a college student but the instability of the world at large. With our political climate growing increasingly hostile and concerns about an impending climate crisis reaching a fever pitch, the future we imagined for ourselves can feel like a paradise lost, a potential life no longer possible.

Jordan Graham (Creative Director), Hannah Wexler (Creative Director), Allie Carroll,  Zoe Larson, Hampton Williams

Lit Staff
Jamie Hawley (Co-Editor), Kelsey Rolofson (Co-Editor),
Jonathan Alexander, Logan Alexander, Katie Bauer, Helene Bechtel, Allison Carollo, Grace Cooper, Micah Faulds, John Gorman, Cailin O’Mara, Madeleine Rheinheimer, Val Rivera-Rodriguez, Sydney Schranz, Daniel Tomkins, Jordan Werner, Brianna Wessling, Graham Wilhauk

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