Kiosk 49
Kiosk 49 explored the idea of a blank canvas by challenging the boundaries of art and questioning what it means to be an artist. Students submitted work they considered "art" and using the magazine as our own blank canvas, our design team used the submissions to create a new piece of art: Kiosk 49. 49 special edition covers were hand crafted and given away at the release party, pushing the Blank Canvas theme even further.
Design Staff: Emily Grigone, Caleb Newberg, John Reynolds, and Rachel Roth (Art Director)
Editorial Staff: Joel Bonner, Max Hilleary, Chloe Hough, Sara Pyle (Editor in Chief), Sydney Rayl
Awards: AIGA A10, National Student Show
Awards: Creative Summit: Coveted Memorial Ralph
Design Staff: Emily Grigone, Caleb Newberg, John Reynolds, and Rachel Roth (Art Director)
Editorial Staff: Joel Bonner, Max Hilleary, Chloe Hough, Sara Pyle (Editor in Chief), Sydney Rayl
Awards: AIGA A10, National Student Show
Awards: Creative Summit: Coveted Memorial Ralph