Kiosk Magazine
The University of Kansas

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Kiosk 46
Kiosk 46. Making and Breaking the Grid is an collaborative effort, this edition of Kiosk magazine centered on breaking images and words, then reassembling them in interesting and evocative ways. Often this resulted in unique juxtapositions through many techniques to enhance and narrate each work.

Jessica Marak, Maggie Hirschi, Danielle Aldrich, Erin Zingré

Awards: AIGA A9

Juror's Choice"Being part of a large collaborative effort isn't easy. Having been on this type of team many times, I am hyper-aware of the challenges that come with it. Compromise and trust are two tests designers are rarely taught while in school, yet I believe collaboration can make for some of the greatest efforts...particularly when guards are down and everyone is there to achieve the best possible product.

It's hard to know what the Kiosk team's process was like which speaks to the cohesiveness and beauty they achieved in the finished product. There is a nice balance from page to page and from front to back. The type choices, textures and visual hierarchy help to weave each piece into a unified whole. You can see each designer's thumbprints throughout, but nowhere are they expressed so loudly that they interfere with the overall chemistry. An impressive feat for any group effort, but especially admirable for a student endeavor. Congrats."
– Dawn Hancock, Firebelly Design, Chicago

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