Kiosk Magazine
The University of Kansas

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Student Lead Magazine
Kiosk is an award-winning, semi-annual publication featuring the University of Kansas' premiere student art and literature. Founded in 1989, Kiosk is managed, designed, and published by students and is available free of cost to all students, faculty, and members of the Lawrence community.

Our mission is to showcase and celebrate the University of Kansas’ student art and literature in a well-designed, printed magazine that allows students to get published. University literature magazines allow students a unique opportunity to get their creative work shared and appreciated and can act as a stepping stone toward their potential dreams and careers. Kiosk has no submission cost; absolutely any KU student can submit artwork or literature, and the magazine issues are free—allowing Kiosk to truly be a university publication available to any University of Kansas student.

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* black= we are missing some or all content and we need your help.


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if you worked on an edition of Kiosk Magazine and have any materials you want to share for us to post or if something is listed incorrectly contact

Kiosk 68

Kiosk 67

Design Staff
Tim Do, Molly Romano 
Literature Staff
Lyss Bezner (Editor), Yasi Farah,  SJ Dahms, Neha Sridharr

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Kiosk 65

Design Staff – Anna Matuella (Art Director), Connor O'Neill, Ellen Rice
Literature Staff – Josh Rubino (Editor), Elyssa Bezner (Editor), Ashleigh Waggoner, Kaitlyn Stewart, Ally Jennings, Hattie Friesen, Katie Newman, Naomi James, Lainey Monnington, Lucy Axmann, Josiah Z. Liang, Isabella Bray, Helene Bechtel, Lauren Miller, Morgan Van Der Wege, Olivia Young, Grace Cooper, Sivani Badrivenkata

Kiosk 64

Design Staff  – Hampton Williams (Creative Director), Anna Matuella, Erin Bugee

Kiosk 63

Design Staff  – Sierra Hunter (Creative Director), Grace Goga, Sydney Deitz, Alyssa Carson, Anna Matuella

Kiosk 62

Design Staff Sierra Hunter (Creative Director), Sara deNoyelles, Sara Smith
Literature Staff Jamie Hawley, Co-Editor, Kelsey Rolofson, Co-Editor. Brianna Wessling, Co-Editor

Kiosk 61

Design Staff  Jordan Graham (Creative Director), Hannah Wexler (Creative Director), Allie Carroll,  Zoe Larson, Hampton Williams
Literature Staff Jamie Hawley (Co-Editor), Kelsey Rolofson (Co-Editor), Jonathan Alexander, Logan Alexander, Katie Bauer, Helene Bechtel, Allison Carollo, Grace Cooper, Micah Faulds, John Gorman, Cailin O’Mara, Madeleine Rheinheimer, Val Rivera-Rodriguez, Sydney Schranz, Daniel Tomkins, Jordan Werner, Brianna Wessling, Graham Wilhauk

Kiosk 60

Design Staff  Skyler Baker (Creative Director), Maggie Witherow (Creative Director), Sam Billman, Zach Butenas, Moriah Manford, Hannah Wexler
Literature Staff – Jamie Hawley Co-Editor, Kelsey Rolofson Co-Editor, Logan Alexander, Ashley Arnold. Helene Bechtel. Grace Claman, Grace Coope, Gabby Doue, John Gorman, Sarah Hanson, Ariel Heim, Cailin O’Mar, Madeleine Rheinheimer, Kendra Rodecap, Elizabeth Weng

Kiosk 59

Design Staff  Lauren Hakmiller (Creative Director), Micheal Zager (Creative Director), Alyssa Engel, Jordan Graham, Cole Drees
Literature Staff – Jamie Hawley & Kelly Werther

Kiosk 58

Design Staff  – Ashton Dewey (Creative Director), Mirka Larjomaa, Maggie Witherow, Naomi Shultz, Grace Heitmann, Skyler Baker

Kiosk 57

Design Staff   Jenny O'Grady (Creative Director), Lauren Hakmiller, Chloe Hubler, Sarah Pickert, Michael Zager
Editors  Alex Cateforis, Jamie Hawley, Greta Nepstad, Moriyah Ramberg, Jennifer Straub, Katelyn Shirley, Kelly Werther, Erin Woods

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Kiosk 55

Design Staff  Devon McGowan (Creative Director), Ella Gore, Sarah Hinman, Jenny O’Grady

Kiosk 54

Design Staff  – Patrick Blanchard (Art Direction), Triana Thompson (Art Direction), Megan Snelten, Mary Sniezek, Allie Welch

Kiosk 53

Design Staff  – Claire Zimmerman, Evan Tarry, Adam Henderson, Ellory Wright, Devon McGowan.

Kiosk 52

Designer Staff Elisa Martin, Lexi Griffith, Katie Whiteman, Patrick Blanchard, Triana Thompson

Kiosk 51

Design Staff: Jamal Gamby, Sydney Goldstein (art director) Gunter Jones, Josie Miller, Josh Munsch, Claire Zimmerman.
Editorial Staff –  Kevin Blanks, Chloe Hough (editor-in-chief), Maddie Level, Maxwell Moore, Brennan Murry.

Kiosk 49

Design Staff  Emily Grigone, Caleb Newberg, John Reynolds, and Rachel Roth (Art Director)
Editorial Staff Joel Bonner, Max Hilleary, Chloe Hough, Sara Pyle (Editor in Chief), Sydney Rayl

Kiosk 48

Design Staff – Sally Carmichael (co-art director), Noel Rivard (co-art director, Audrie Lathrop, Emily Austin, Anthony Schmiedeler

Kiosk 47

Design Staff – Sally Carmichael, Anna DeFazio. Jing Jian, Noel Rivard, Rachel Roth, Voranouth Supadulya, Erin Zingré (art director)
Editorial Staff – Sydney Rayl (editor-in-chief), Ellen Goodrich
, William Kist, Sara Pyle, Katie Little
, Laura Bilh 

Kiosk 46

Design Staff – Jessica Marak, Maggie Hirschi, Danielle Aldrich, Erin Zingré

Kiosk 45
Design Staff – Lauren Schimming, Jessica Marak, Morgan Stephens, Tyler Adams, Anna Defazio

Kiosk 44
Design Team: Jordan Jacobson, Michael Selby, Jovan Nedeljkovic, Lauren Schimming

Kiosk 43
Design Staff – Jaclyn Co, Jordan Jacobson, Jovan Nedeljkovic, Brian Rio, Michael Selby
Editorial: Emylisa Warrick, Ryan Fazio, Alexis Smith, Dee Hogan, Jacob Mueslmann, Sydney Rayl

Kiosk 42
Design Staff – Matt Chase, Caroine Curtin, Krista Richards, Brian Rio
Editorial –  Rachel Gray, Emylisa Warrick, Sarah Eyer, Ryan Fazio, Savannah Windham, Graham Greene, Will Franklin

Kiosk 41
Design Staff – Jarred Kolar, Lindsay Tippett, Caitlin Harsch, Krista Richards, Whitney Morris

Kiosk 40
Designer StaffLesley Hunt, Alison Radke, Kelly Ecker, Lindsay Tippett, Andrew Kuttler, Heather Grice
Lit StaffRobert Knapp, Rachel Gray, Lindsey Champion, Mark etterson, Eric I. Margules, Emylisa Warrick

Kiosk 39
Designer Staff – Alison Radke, Arnold Phommavong, Lesley Hunt, Danielle Dragan, Cassie Sines, Anh-Linh Trinh
Lit Staff – Rachel Gray, Lindsey Campion, Mark Petterson, Eric I. Margules, Emylisa Warrick, Robert Knapp

Kiosk 38
Design Staff –  Leslie Hunt, Laura Rottinghaus, Amy Rottinghaus, Kayla Heckman, Ben Suh, Chi Hiu Yim, Cassie Sines

Kiosk 37
Design Staff – Luke Lisi, Chi Hiu Yim, Ben Suh, Laura Rottinghaus, Tristan Telander

Kiosk 36
Designer Staff – Scott Starrett, Tristan Telander, Julie Vinh, Laura Rottinghaus, Kelly Sands, Katie McRoberts
Lit StaffCasey Cabela, Lindsey Campion, Sasha Graybosch, Andy Green, Vashley Schult, Adrienne Bommarito

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Kiosk 33

Kiosk 32
Designer Staff – Jane Huschka, Heather Brantman, Rachel Castor, Katy Livingston, Scott Starrett, Nicole Williams
Lit Staff – Joe Morgan (editor-in-chief), Casey Cabela, Nate Barbarick, Tom Page, Kim Le, Jeffrey Millberger, Lesley Owens

Kiosk 31

Kiosk 30
Design Staff: Tad Carpenter (art director), Megan McClain, Jessica McEntire (Carpenter), Jake Steele
Editorial Staff Jessica Chapman, Ashley Puderbaugh, Laura Snyder, Jennifer North, Carlos Centeno, Mike Berry, Jordan Tinsley, Dan Watson